Khaled Sabsabi

Installation view Khaled Sabsabi, 14 September – 24 November, 2024, The Lock-Up, Muloobinba/Newcastle. Photograph: Ben Adams
Installation view of 'Bring the Silence' 2018, Biennale of Sydney
At the speed of light, 2016, 11 channel HD video sculpture installation with audio 100 gold leaf, acrylic and enamel paint on photographic paper 5 multilingual text panels on high-grade paper, Dimensions variable
At the speed of light 2016, 11 channel HD video sculpture installation with audio 100 gold leaf, acrylic and enamel paint on photographic paper 5 multilingual text panels on high-grade paper, Dimensions variable
Mush 2012, Installation view
Naqshbandi Greenacre Engagement 2011, 3-channel SD video installation, paper, rug, plastic, wood and perfume., Duration: 01:30:07 mins, Photo by Document Photography 2019, Acrylic paint and oil stick on paper, 44 hand cut stencils, Photo by Document Photography
40 2020, 2 channel UHD video installation, 17:45 mins, Commissioned by Campbelltown Arts Centre, with support from Australia Council for the Arts. Photo by Document Photography..
We Will Kill You 2018, Video installation, Image courtesy of Te Uru. Photo by Sam Hartnett.
Syria 2012, Video installation
70,000 Veils 2014, 190 x 1240 cm, Installation view
Guerrilla (still) 2007, Digital video projection, Dimensions variable
Guerilla 2014, Acrylic, watercolour and gouache on photographs, 9.5 x 14 cm (image) 26.5 x 30.5 cm (framed)
A Self-Portrait 2014-2018, 2 channel UHD video installation with audio, 16 framed hand-cut stencils and 114 unframed hand-cut stencils, enamel paint on photographic paper., Duration: 11:00 mins, Photo by Document Photography
About Ali or عli1 2005, Installation view

Khaled Sabsabi’s process involves working across art mediums, geographical borders and cultures to create immersive and engaging art experiences.

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